so, this thursday. office party. my place. it's gonna fucking rock. but whatever, the office season premiere is on thursday, which is amazing. i'm way too in love with jim halpert for my (or my boyfriend's) own good. too bad i hope he gets with pam! awkward, but cool. it all works out in my head.
right now - should be studying. i got my paleo lab done, so that's a plus. what i really need to be working on, though is my application for the panama trip. see, the bio department is finally taking a field course in panama, but only 3 people get to go. who makes these rules? they are really mean. i need to write an essay saying why i should go instead of those other losers (like my boyfriend... oops). i feel like this is creating tension in the bio department right now among the seniors, though. i mean, of course we all want to go - it's panama (yeah, see that awesome pic... that's panama, and that's where i want to spend my january). but our direct competition isn't some nameless person - it's each other. so i can't help rob with his essay, he's my competition. but i don't want to be chosen over him. and i certainly don't want him to be chosen over me. in allie's perfect world, me and the bf and CW would be chosen and we would go have a wonderful time in panama. yay. let's shoot for that, ok? ok.
in other news... studying for the gre still sucks, i still don't know where i want to go to grad school (any suggestions?), and i still have too much homework but am motivated to do none of it. yay!
ok, must get back to work. i hate being back in school.
love, allie
i love jim
Labels: classes, grad school, panama, the office
friday night i crashed your party...
hmm, friday night, 8pm, what to do? finally it's the weekend. this week's been a long one. but now that it's the weekend i have to find something to do with myself. it's too early to go out still, but too late to do anything like go to the store. oh well, waiting for a couple people to call back and the night is still young.
bonus: CL made us an awesome dinner tonight of chicken and mashed potatoes! i love it when my roommate gets all homemaker-y. i was too tired after i got home from work to do anything but sit on my ass and watch stupid game shows anyway. this weekend my goal is to be productive. and i must accomplish it... or face a nasty week ahead. two test monday, one friday and a thesis paper due in between. who do these people think i am - a girl with nothing to do but study, well, i guess other news, the new season of the office is coming up in a couple weeks. and that means that we can all be graced with the view of jim halpert, also known as john krasinski, also known as the love of my life (sorry bf!). yeah, CL and i are in love with this guy, but i'm still hoping he and pam end up together. they have to, as i figure, because in t.v. world things like this are always bound to happen. i've watched all of seasons 1 & 2 on d.v.d., but i'm still a little rusty on season 3. i'll have to catch up before september 27th!
my other favorite show, scrubs, is very mean and won't be premiering until october 25th. i'll just have to be happy with the office and scrubs on d.v.d. until then.
ok, must go. must find out what the hell i'm doing tonight. i'm on a mission now. updates later. until then, i love you jim halpert!
love, allie
Labels: classes, fun stuff, homemaking, the office
a little time...
right now i have a little break between my classes and work. but not work work, i'm the botany t.a. this semester, which means that i go along on labs and help out, and this week we're going to frolic in the woods. no really.
anyway, i promised myself that i'd get one thing done on my overly-optimistic to-do list i made yesterday before 3:00 comes and i have to go run around in the forest. but first, i'm going to post on my brand new baby blog and give it a little more volume.
at the same time, i'm listening to "this american life" on podcast. yes, it's good. yes, you should listen to it. yes, i might be a huge dork for listening to it every week, but you have to understand my undying love for all things public's true. one day public broadcasting and i will probably run away to mexico together, but until then i'll just have to listen faithfully to their podcasts.
i still need to come up with something good to do this weekend. i need something to look forward to, you know? last week CL and i went to the wine bar across the bridge. and it was really good - but pretty expensive. i'm looking back at my credit card statement in disbelief because i spend $19 on just two glasses of wine. oh well, i considerate that money well spent towards mental health. everyone needs a little mental health worked into their budget.
ok, time to be productive. here goes some work.
love, allie
Labels: blogging, classes, drinking, fun stuff, mental health, public broadcasting
blogging, a.k.a. not-homework, is what i will be working on for a while until i can put myself under enough stress to actually get something done. see, i tend to be pretty good at working under pressure... too good in fact. this leads to the problem of me putting myself under undue stress even to get small tasks accomplished. oh well, so goes college.
my productivity for the evening so far has been to drink a double espresso and make myself an over-optimistic to-do list. hopefully before the night is through something worthwhile gets done.
well, that's all for now, time to start thinking about maybe getting something done.
love, allie
Labels: coffee, procrastinating