what a weekend! CR was up here, and we had an awesome time as usual whenever she's in town.
sitting at luna, lingerie shopping, cosmos, and football... does it get any better than this? yes it does, because she got me the bestest birthday gift ever - pretty tea! see, there it is! isn't it pretty? haha, CR - i've had two of them already and they're not only pretty, they're damn good, too! yay!
speaking of good, those cosmos we made were amazing! triple sec and limes make every drink taste like heaven. for the record, here is the best cosmopolitan recipe you will ever have:
- 2 oz. vodka
- 1 oz. triple sec
- 3 oz. cranberry juice
- 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
shake with ice and pour into your best excuse for a martini glass! seriously, once you have this recipe you will never want to drink anything else. ever. ok, so we didn't have fancy glassware like that (yeah, they were in wine glasses), but they still tasted awesome!
oh yeah, and the football game was awesome, too. there's nothing like pbr at 10am. mmm... better than coffee. what a great way to have girl time before miss meg leaves the country! by the way, that is coming up way faster than i'd expected. wow. we'll miss her so much!
in other news, the bf and i were invited but not invited to a wedding this friday - and we finally received the invitation a few days ago. confusing, i know. good news: i just bought awesome shoes and a sweater to go with my dress, so i'll look pretty! bad news: i didn't realize that the wedding was going to be so early (3pm on a friday - wtf?)... and i still haven't found anyone to work for me. i'm supposed to be closing that night (i.e. working until 6:30, which clearly won't work). ah, i know they get pissed at me when i ask off work so much, but i can't help it. i'm a busy girl. if worst comes to worst, i'll just find someone to close for me and i'll skip out on the ceremony and just meet rob at the reception. that's not in bad taste... is it? i hope not. i mean, if they can't get a wedding invite out to me more than a week before the wedding i can't be expected to be at their beck and call.
other crappy news: our wireless connection is being snooty and not letting me on. hmph. oh wireless, you think you're too good for me. well you're not. i disconnect you!
ok, i've done nothing with my night except try on pretty dresses and stalk people on facebook... oh yeah, and write this lovely post. i should try to at least get something done now that's it's almost 11pm.