1. Watch this video!
2. Watch this other video!
3. If you live in Wisconsin (or Hawaii), vote for Obama in your primary one week from tomorrow! Hooray!
love, allie
Yes We Can!
Labels: politics
Holy shit! I posted again!
Sitting in the apartment, listening to the This American Life podcast. Sigh... I love This American Life way more than I should. But hey, someone's gotta do it.
Ok, so... it's been a while since I last posted. Let's see, what have I been up to since then? Well, on Friday I visited Grad School of Choice. It was a good experience, I understand a whole lot more now than I did before about the program, but I still feel kind of lost. Here was the scenario: about half of the prospective students at this open house thing were already affiliated with lab groups, ready to get started on their thesis/dissertation. The other half was like me - wondering around with lost, blank looks on their faces. The thing is, I need to get a professor to agree to be my adviser and take me on into their lab in order for me to gain admission. I feel that I made some great connections, but there are still lots of ifs. I don't really know what those professors thought of me or whether they want to take me on or not. Uggg... applying for graduate school must be the most stressful thing I've ever done.
Oh well, at least classes are easy. Ridiculously easy, in fact. Hooray!In better news, the lab I TA for went really well today. It's called Biodiversity, but I like to call it Baby Bio. Basically, it's a biology class for non-majors who have been made to sign up for a science class, against their will, in line with the whole liberal arts education. But I love it. It makes me feel like I know a whole lot about biology, even though I only have about 3 years under my belt. I know it's terrible, but I feel so much better about my scientific abilities after this lab than after I talk to my professors. Besides, these kids know they love biology, they just need someone to prod it out of them. You'll see - all these kiddies are going to be science majors soon enough. Anyway, today we were looking at protists under the microscope. They were finding live ones swimming around, and they got so excited! It was really cute.
Well, it seems that's all for today. This weekend should be fun, I'm excited.
love, allie
Labels: grad school, public broadcasting, science