
On blogging

I've been spending much of my precious procrastination time (which takes up about 10% of my waking hours, I'd estimate) checking out new blogs, reading old ones, etc. I'm not sure what it is, but all of a sudden, I'm completely enthralled by all of the wonderful things I can read about on other people's blogs. It also makes me want to make my own blog f-ing awesome so that everyone wants to read it... but I'm not sure how to do that. Any ideas?

For any of you that are curious, here are some of the blogs I've been looking at lately:

While writing this, I'm currently watching the Packers-Broncos game on Monday night football. I'm not really a huge football fan, to be honest, I really just have it on for the background noise. Besides, I bet the bf $5 that the Packers would lose. I thought he would almost break up with me when I bet against his team, haha... so cute. In reality I hope that the Packers do win today, it will just make my life so much easier.

I think I've become so into reading the blogs of others because my own life is so stressful right now. Between classes, grad school applications, my two jobs... where do I really have time to relax? I guess that's why I'm creating time to, but that time is taken away from other things I should be doing right now. Maybe cleaning the apartment... CL has been very patient with my huge mess, but I can tell that's it's starting to get to her. I'm sorry CL, if you're reading this!

Ok, time to close this up. I'm going to try to do the dishes before CL comes home from the library. Then maybe I'll make myself some tea and read the newspaper. Yes, that would be nice.

love, allie


une fille said...

I talked to CL, she doesn't mind one bit. She acknowledges that she's a bit, well neurotic about cleanliness. it stems from very unclean (not with you) situations in past (well, not in continental us..hmm)

Unknown said...

messymessy! shame on you. you should see my room. reminds me of what your closet used to look like. ;)

other topnotch blogs to stalk:
I said, You Look Like a Frog
Much Ado About Sumthin!
and for the preferred "smart" reading: Gadfly

Unknown said...

PS what happened to CL's blog?