
damn greedy writers

Ok, the WGA strike officially stopped being just annoying and is now pissing me off. According to (the ever-so-accurate) Wikipedia, The Office has the following status:

"Production stopped, last new episode aired November 15, 2007."

More bad news from Wiki on Scrubs:

"12 out of 18 episodes have been completed. Series finale episode could possibly not be produced or broadcast..."

I miss Jim and JD already.

Jim: "Don't cancel my show! I haven't even gotten a sex scene with Pam yet!"

JD: "Ah! Stop striking, writers, and let my show had a series finale!"

If this thing doesn't clear up soon, I think I will cry. Can't we all just get along?

love, allie


une fille said...


Unknown said...

Awww poor allie! No Jim or JD? v.sad. Strike isnt really bothering me. I usually only get to watch reruns anyway.

ps I do believe your title is incorrect. Shouldnt it read "damn greedy producers & companies?"