
No classes today!

Yay, no classes. Good thing I'm being productive and watching Dr. Phil while blogging. I love me. So far I have accomplished 3 things today: I went to work (at 6:30am, so give me a break!), I went to the bank, and I picked up my bridesmaid dress for KV's wedding.

Here it is... yay! There's a little problem, though. I think it's one size too small. There's still time before the wedding. The problem was that when trying on sample dresses, the small one was of the wrong brand. That one fit me but this one doesn't. Now it's all a big hassle.

While looking on the internet for information on bridesmaid dress sizing, I came across a lovely website: uglydresses.com. Basically, it just showcases all of the things my bridesmaid dress could have been, had KV had terrible taste. My personal favorite:

Ok y'all. If you're in my wedding, that is so what you're wearing. It's gonna be awesome. If you look closely, you can see the real fashion statement: the subtle black tights worn under the (as they call it) "pole dancer pink" dress.

In other, completely different news, can I just say how much I hate the writers' strike right now? Yes, you should get credit for the shows that you write, even if they're on the internet... but I want to see my shows, damnit! Shit is going to go down when The Office stops showing new episodes. And I know that's coming soon. Oh Jim Halpert, what will I do without you? I know what I'll do. I'll just watch re-runs on TVlinks, so no one gets any money for it when I watch! Besides, how much more money do those writers really need? Seriously. If you guys could just keep writing for The Office that would be ok. Just one show? Ok? Thanks.

That is all.

love, allie


Unknown said...

Oh oh! I want to wear Pole Dancer Pink!!! How hot would that be?! Could there be a pole just for the bridesmaids? Right in the middle of the dance floor at the reception? yes? ok I'll start calling around and set that up. ::kisses!::

Unknown said...

ps - i think i'm in love with this one. if you dont let me wear it i will just die
