
Good Day

Today was a good day.

To begin with, I dropped my most awful class: Physics. It's not really the physics that I had the problem with in this class... it was the professor. If he would just teach physics in the way physics was meant to be taught (with equations and numbers and whatnot) I would have no problem. However, he chose to teach it in the most convoluted way possible, all conceptual, no numbers, wtf. But it's ok now, I don't have to deal with that anymore. Unfortunately, my poor bf does. He was in that class with me... well, he is still in that class, I am not. Yay for me.

Then, to make my day even better, my dear daddy sent me flowers!

It was so funny, because he had them sent to my apartment, but of course I wasn't there. I never am during the day, so instead he had them sent to the coffee shop where I work... and where I am during every spare moment of my day. So of course I got them there. I walked in today and saw them on the back table, but I didn't even read the card because I had no idea they were for me. After I went back to my place, I got a call from LH, my friend who works there with me asking me why I didn't pick up my flowers when I came in. Cute.

Then, tomorrow there are no classes... so I'll have some time to get my life together a bit. I plan on working hard core on my grad school applications, something I've been slacking off on lately. In other good news, I got an email back from #1 choice school - that's encouraging!

Oh, and this weekend's shindig was a hit. Y tu mamá también was sexy, the sangria was strong, and life was good. Up for tonight: $2 pints at the pub! You should come!

love, allie

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